Anushka Sharma in her floral pink lehenga, Deepika Padukone in traditional wedding attire, or Alia Bhatt in her out-of-the-box ivory and golden saree – all these celebrity brides looked picture-perfect on their wedding days. While their jewellery and clothing might have been different, there was one thing in common – the beautiful natural bridal glow!
It is no mystery that your wedding day is one of the most special days in your life! On your D-day, you will be the center of attention. So, you gotta look your best, ladies!
Want a natural bridal glow on your big day? Keep scrolling through for some of the best glowing skin tips for brides-to-be!
Why Do You Need a Facial for Bridal Glow?
Pampering your skin with a facial can help you achieve the perfect bridal glow that will make you the star of your wedding festivities (as you deserve to be)!
Here are a few benefits of pre-bridal facials:
Enhance your natural glow: Facials can help revitalise your skin from within and impart a radiant glow.
Fight effects of pollution: Exposure to dirt, impurities, and environmental pollutants can make your skin look dull and result in several skin problems. Pre-wedding facials help undo this damage and brighten your skin.
- Remove dead skin cells: The accumulation of dead skin cells can make your skin look rough, dry, and flaky. It can also clog your pores, resulting in breakouts. Facials help you get rid of dead skin cells and support the process of cell regeneration.
Whether you choose to go for a facial at a professional salon or at home, you must use the right facial kit for a bridal glow. Ensure that the facial kit you choose does not contain any chemicals that might irritate your skin or result in other skin problems. You definitely don’t want your skin to look all flared up on your D-day, right?
Aroma Magic Bridal Glow Facial Kit is an aromatherapy facial kit enriched with the goodness of essential oils and nourishing natural ingredients. You can get a rejuvenating bridal facial done with this kit at Blossom Kochhar Spalon or do one yourself at home in a few simple steps.
Find a step-by-step guide on how to do a bridal facial at home in the next section.
How to Use Bridal Glow Facial Kit at Home?
You can use Aroma Magic Bridal Glow Facial Kit to do a bridal facial at home in a few simple steps!
You will find 7 sachets in this facial kit: face cleanser, exfol gel, serum, nourishing cream, face pack, hydrating gel, and sunscreen.
- Clean your face with the face cleanser for 3 minutes and wipe off with damp cotton.
Benefit: It helps remove dirt, impurities, makeup, and grime from your face.
- Apply the exfol gel on your face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and scrub off with dry fingers for 3 minutes using gentle circular motions. Wipe your face off with damp cotton.
Benefit: Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and gives your skin a softer & smoother texture.
- Next, apply the serum to your face and neck. Leave it on for 3 minutes and move to the next step without wiping your face off.
Benefit: This step rejuvenates the skin and helps restore its moisture balance.
- Apply the cream to your face and neck. Massage gently for 15 minutes before wiping it off.
Benefit: This cream nourishes your skin and helps keep it soft and supple.
- Mix the face pack and hydrating gel. Apply on your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before wiping it off with damp cotton.
Benefit: While the AHA face pack helps treat uneven skin tone and brighten the skin, the hydrating gel hydrates the skin and helps reduce sensitivity and irritation.
- Lastly, apply sunscreen for sun protection.
Benefit: Sunscreen will offer broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays and help prevent tanning.
Besides pampering yourself with pre-bridal facials, you must also follow a few other glowing skin tips for brides to pamper your skin.
Pre-Bridal Skin Care Tips for Brides-to-Be
We understand that your mind must be occupied with a million things that you need to take care of for your special day. But amidst all the chaos, nervousness, and excitement, don’t forget to give your skin the care it deserves for that perfect bridal glow.
Here are a few pre-bridal skin care tips that will help get your skin all set for your D-day:
Stay committed to CTOM routine
The tasks on your never-ending to-do wedding list can leave your skin feeling dull & tired and result in skin problems. If you want to save yourself the horror of skin woes on your D-day, do not skip your CTOM (Cleansing, Toning, Oiling, and Moisturising) routine, and wear sunscreen every day.
And make sure you use natural skin care products suitable for your skin type.
Beauty sleep to the rescue
Time to become a sleeping beauty, girls!
Want to keep those dark circles and tired & puffy eyes away on your wedding day? Then, ensure you get at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night. At night, your skin turns on its recovery mode and replenishes itself. A good sleep schedule will help keep your skin radiant and glowing.
Also, did you know your skin is more receptive to skin care products at night? So, following a night skin care routine is essential.
Keep the stress away
You surely don’t want stress-induced acne ruining your D-day, right
Keeping your mind fresh is vital for healthy & glowing skin! Doing yoga and meditation can help relax your mind and prevent stress-induced skin problems. You can also include soothing essential oils like Neroli, Sandalwood, and Jasmine in your self-care routine.
Your diet deserves special attention
Well, it’s a no-brainer that what you eat and drink plays a huge role in how your skin will look on your special day.
Time to cut down on your caffeine and alcohol intake. They can dehydrate your skin and make it look dull & tired. Drinking an adequate amount of water and eating fluid-rich foods are essential to keeping your skin hydrated, healthy & glowing.
While glowing skin is always in, it is a little extra important for a bride! Flawless and beautiful skin will help you radiate a natural glow and confidence on your wedding day. Following the glowing skin tips for brides given in this blog will help prep your skin ahead of your special day and give you that much-desired bridal glow.
Bridal Facial, Bridal Glow Facial Kit, Facial for Bridal Glow, Glowing Skin Tips for Brides, Pre-Bridal Facial, Perfect Bridal Glow, Pre-Bridal Skin Care Tips, Skin Care Tips for Brides to Be, Essential Oils for Brides, Natural Skin Care Products for Brides, Skin Care Tips for Brides to Be