Aroma Magic Body Oils for Your Skin

Body oils are used to help lock in moisturisation and form a nourishing protective layer on the skin. It also delivers calming and soothing properties to the skin. Body oils or organic oils are an exceptional way of moisturising and nourishing your skin naturally. Oiling your skin daily retains its hydration, nourishment and luster. The bodily action of massaging oil into your skin and joints helps relieve stiffness and improves circulation. It boosts energy and gives your whole body a natural glow.

Body oils, when added to the bath, help to soften and nourish dry, damaged, or stressed skin. It helps damaged or stressed skin. The warmth of the bath helps the oil to be absorbed into the skin and provides an excellent moisturizing effect. Add oil to the bathwater before immersion. Try any of Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Body Oils along with your favorite essential oils for maximum effect.

  • Jojoba Oil - This oil has a light, sweet oil with a nutty aroma and texture acquired from the jojoba plant. When combined with essential oils, it is ideal for massages. It has an excellent moisturiser that is easily absorbed into the skin. It helps balance the sebum in your skin & hair by keeping it hydrated always. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties act against acne & pimples. It helps to fight wrinkles & stretch marks and keep your skin supple and well moisturised.

  • Organic Castor Oil - It is a cold-pressed, natural castor vegetable oil. It has strong restorative properties, derived from the beans of the castor plant. When combined with essential oils, it is ideal for massages. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties benefit the skin in multiple ways. It is an ideal natural skin tonic to keep your skin soft, supple, and beautiful. It is a no-nasty oil, with no harsh chemical ingredients.

  • Organic Olive Oil - It is a cold-pressed, natural olive vegetable oil. It is a fruity oil, extracted from olives that deliver multiple benefits. When combined with essential oils, it is ideal for body and head massages. Being full of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, it acts as the perfect moisturiser for dry skin and keeps the skin firm and toned. Being rich in healthy fats and phenolic antioxidants and vitamin E along with oleic acids, it helps in repairing the damage caused due to exposure to the sun. 

  • Organic Almond Oil - This Almond Oil is a cold-pressed, natural Almond vegetable oil. It is extracted from almond seeds. When combined with essential oils, it helps in maintaining moisture levels of your skin and is absorbed quickly without blocking your pores. For extremely dry skin and sensitive skin, it serves as an effective balm. The fusion of oleic acids & linoleic fatty acids in me helps in reversing and preventing signs of aging. It nourishes your skin and hair to make you look fresh and radiant.

  • Organic Grapeseed Oil - This cold-pressed natural grapeseed oil is extracted from the seed of grapes. When combined with essential oils, it is perfect for massages. Its astringent properties help to tighten and tone the skin, address acne, and fight age. It contains linoleic acid which is great for promoting skin health. Thin in consistency, it gets easily absorbed and penetrates the skin acting as an excellent moisturiser and skin brightener.

  • Coconut Oil - It is a cold-pressed, natural coconut vegetable oil. It is a light oil with a delightful aroma acquired from fresh Coconut kernels. It has high antibacterial and antioxidant properties. When combined with essential oils, it is ideal for massages. It is an excellent moisturiser that soothes dry and cracked skin. It provides strength and shines to your hair. It can also treat burns, wounds, and infections and can lighten scars.


2 thoughts on “Aroma Magic Body Oils for Your Skin


It was a amazing blog thank you for sharing the information about the different type of body oil and there uses of every single body oil. The team at Tastani Foods is solely focused on bringing oils which is real and from nature available to everyone. We have taken up this rather ambitious project of moving every Indian household from the highly processed & packed foods to the real food from nature which our ancestors consumed for thousands of years.

May 25, 2023 at 21:52pm

It was a amazing blog thank you for sharing the information about the different type of body oil and there uses of every single body oil. The team at Tastani Foods is solely focused on bringing oils which is real and from nature available to everyone. We have taken up this rather ambitious project of moving every Indian household from the highly processed & packed foods to the real food from nature which our ancestors consumed for thousands of years.

May 25, 2023 at 21:52pm

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