Best Expert Tips for Helping Dry Skin

Every individual has a unique skin type. This can be characterised into three categories, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin. Incase of dry skin there are two types of it i.e. oil dry and moisture dry. The oil dry skin is sensitive and has flaky patches with no visible pores. It tends to age prematurely unless carefully looked after. The moisture dry skin has a fine texture. Its appearance is taut and dry with a tendency to chap easily and even at an early age, may show tiny lines around the eyes and mouth.

The skin care regime for dry skin should emphasize moisturising and nourishing routines. It should be cleansed with cold cream and alcohol-free skin fresheners to prevent it from severe dryness conditions. After cleansing, the skin needs moisturisation to regain nourishment and suppleness.

  • Dry Skin Cleanser - Cleansing helps to remove dirt, dust and impurities from the skin. Using soap or body washes to cleanse leaves the skin dry. Warmed milk cures roughened skin. It can be added to oatmeal or almonds. Try this homemade milk lotion, warm a cup of milk and add 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 1/4th teaspoon bicarbonate soda and 1/4th teaspoon of borax till all three dissolves.

    Melt together in a bowl, 12 tablespoons of petroleum jelly, 4 tablespoons of baby oil and 1 tablespoon of beeswax. After everything melts and is mixed well add a few drops of rose essence and store in a jar and use it to clean the face or body.

  • Exfoliate - Exfoliate your skin at least once a week with a nourishing body exfoliator or you can make one at home. Take 2 tablespoons of coffee, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to it. Mix well and use it at least once or preferably twice a week to exfoliate your body. Coffee and honey have high antioxidants and have good nourishing properties. Coconut oil gives moisturization to the skin from within.

  • Nourishing Mask - Exfoliation deeply cleanses the skin pores which leaves the skin pores open. For healthy skin, it is required to keep these pores unclogged and clean. After pores cleansing through exfoliation, apply a nourishing mask to seal them. Mash a banana, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Brush it onto the skin and leave it on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. This mask should be used after every exfoliation.

  • Moisturisation - Moisturising is one of the major steps for the dry skincare regime. Use the most suitable cream or lotion to moisturise your skin. It helps the skin to stay hydrated, keep it soft, supple, comfortable and attractive. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Moisturisers and Creams are enriched with essential oil and natural extracts that help to keep your skin looking healthy and young-looking. To prepare a moisturiser at home, mix 3/4th cup of rose water, 1/4th cup of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1/4th teaspoon of honey and store it in a glass jar. Use it regularly after cleansing the skin


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