Cracked Skin : How to Identify & Treat It

Cracked skin is caused when skin is extremely dry, inflamed, or irritated. This happens when the skin loses its moisture that it breaks down. Most people get cracked skin on their feet, hands, and lips, but it can affect any part of the body.

If the skin has sufficient natural oils, it stays smooth and hydrated. The lack of natural oils within the skin leads to the drying or cracking of the skin leading to dead, dull, and patchy skin also aging. 

Dry or cracked skin can occur due to the changing weather conditions, cold weather or sitting in an ac room for long hours, hot water, lack of nourishment, medication, or illness. Dry should be treated timely to prevent further skin diseases. 

Below are some of the ways to prevent the drying or cracking of the skin:

  • Chapped lips - The major impact of dehydration goes on the lips. Dehydration of the skin or body prominently occurs on the lips, leaving them dry and cracked. Apply lip balm every morning and before going to bed at night. Lip balm can also be applied during the day whenever required. Applying honey also benefits the lips in multiple ways. Take one teaspoon of honey and gently massage onto the lips for one minute and leave it for 2 minutes. Rinse off with regular water. Honey helps to hydrate and nourish the lips and also gives a plumping effect.

  • Dry or chapped hands and feet - Hands and feet are the most exposed body parts to the environment, be it changing weather, pollution, sun or any other work hand and feet suffers the most circumstances of drying out. to keep the hands and feet moisturised and beautiful you can try the following tips:
    1. Moisturise hands and feet twice a day. Use a rich nourishing hand and foot cream. Aroma Magic Hand Cream and Foot Cream are aromatherapy-based and contain natural elements with other nourishing ingredients to keep the skin moisturised and hydrated.

    2. Exfoliate once a week with nourishing scrubs. Coffee and honey scrubs are greatly nourishing for the skin and help in the removal of tanning or dead skin. Alternatively, powdered sugar with rice water acts as a brightening scrub for the hands and feet.

    3. Apply a pack every time you exfoliate your skin to protect the skin from free radicles and keep the skin pores closed. Oats (grinded), banana, and milk packs can be a good choice when it comes to the nourishment of the skin. 
  • Body Dryness - If your body is feeling dry, stretchy, or cracked it should be given proper nourishment. When the oil glands of the skin are not able to produce adequate natural oils of the skin, it results in the dryness or cracking of the skin. To keep the body nourished apply moisturiser every morning and evening. Carrier oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oils are proven to be the best skin nourisher. 

  • Facial Skin Dryness - Facial skin is most sensitive and prone to dryness and sensitivity, which requires regular nourishment. Use a gentle and hydrating skin moisturiser and follow a regular cleansing regime to remove dead skin. Aloe vera gel, glycerin, and coconut oil are some of the hydrating skin moisturisers that cane is added to your daily skincare regime


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