Face Serums vs Face Oils: Which is Good for Winter Care

Every year, as winter sets in, your skin undergoes a challenging transformation, becoming dry, rough, and lackluster. The harsh winter weather, characterised by biting winds that mercilessly sap moisture from your skin, is the primary culprit. Adding to the assault, we counter the cold temperatures by cranking up indoor heating, which further depletes the skin of its essential moisture. With these dual forces at play, it's no surprise that your skin succumbs to dryness during the winter months.

The consequences of winter conditions manifest as dull and dry skin. The absence of adequate moisture makes your skin more sensitive and prone to reactions. Even individuals with typically oilier skin find themselves grappling with unusual dryness and flakiness.

Face Serums vs Face Oils

Your skin type, issues, and personal preferences will all play a role in your decision between face oils and face serums. Both face care products have quite different functions, yet they can both be helpful for winter skincare. Let's examine each of their qualities to assist you in selecting which would be most appropriate for your winter season regimen:

Face Serum

Regardless of the season, prioritising skin hydration and nourishment remains crucial. Serums, distinguished by their superior penetration compared to standard creams or moisturisers, offer a potent delivery of concentrated active ingredients. Let’s talk about other factors as well.

  • Consistency
    Generally speaking, serums are gel-like or water-based in consistency. They can be layered with other skin care products because they are thin and absorb into the skin rapidly.

  • Components
    Hyaluronic acid, vitamins (such as C or E), and peptides are common active components found in face serums. Certain concerns, including hydration, brightness, or anti-ageing, are addressed by these substances.

  • Hydration
    Face serums are a great way to get a lot of moisture without feeling oily or heavy on the skin. They are appropriate for all skin types, including combination or oily skin, because they deeply permeate the skin.

  • Layering
    Using serums in a layered skincare regimen is a good idea. First, apply a hydrating serum like Aroma Magic Vitamin C serum; then, use serums that address particular issues; and last, use a moisturiser to seal in moisture.

Face Oils

The winter season poses various health challenges, including common issues like colds and flu. Alongside these concerns, maintaining skin health becomes a struggle in the face of dry and harsh weather. An effective strategy to counter the winter's impact on your skin involves incorporating essential oils into your skincare routine.

  • Uniformity
    As the name implies, face oils are based on oil. Compared to serums, they are thicker and richer in consistency. Oils coat the skin's surface to provide protection.

  • Ingredients
    Botanical oils like jojoba, rosehip, or argan oil are frequently included in the formulation of face oils. For additional advantages, some might also contain essential oils. These components provide antioxidant qualities, moisture retention, and nourishment.

  • Hydration
    Oils are particularly helpful for people with dry or dehydrated skin since they effectively stop moisture loss. They may aid in strengthening the skin's innate lipid barrier.

  • Layering
    The final step in a skincare programme is typically applying face oils. To seal in hydration, they can be placed on top of moisturisers and serums. But if you're using a heavier oil, you really must wait to apply other items until the oil has had time to absorb.

Winter Season Recommendations

  • For Dry Skin: Face oils offer an additional layer of hydration and protection that is especially helpful for dry skin in the winter.

  • For mixture or oily skin: In the winter, lightweight serums are best for oily or mixture skin types. They provide hydration without putting on too much oil.

  • Anti-Ageing Concerns: Fine lines and wrinkles can be treated using serums that contain strong anti-ageing components like retinol or vitamin C.

  • For Nourishment: Adding a nourishing face oil to your routine can be helpful if your skin needs more nourishment.

  • Layering: To combine the two, apply a face oil to seal in moisture after using a moisturising serum.


Some people find that including both in their routine helps them get the benefits of targeted skincare, hydration, and nourishment. Trying different things and seeing how your skin reacts will enable you to customise your winter skincare regimen successfully.


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