How to Take Care of Dry Hands and Feet

The drop in temperature signifies a period of lull and introspection. The season of winter brings some cosy laughter, good food and layers of clothing. The onset of winter brings a gradual decrease in winter. The change in climate decreases the skin’s natural radiance and moisture levels.

However, it can be taken care of easily by following some simple skincare tips. The usual suspects, no pun intended, are our hands and feet. Winter requires some special hand and foot care. In this blog, we will guide you through with practical wisdom on how to take care of dry hands and feet in winter.

  1. Pamper yourself: A pre-bath warm oil massage is a must in winter. It is best, if done with Aroma Magic Almond Oil. It helps tone the muscles and aids in the blood circulation. A natural product for hand and foot.This oil helps winters go past like a breeze.

  2. Cover up: When you are planning to go outdoors. Always cover your arms, legs, and neck before going out, and the same rule should apply to your hands.

  3. Prioritise feet: One of the ignored body parts during winter is obviously our feet. We never give them the due attention, which results in cracked feet. The best solution for this problem is Aroma Magic Foot Cream. For best results, use it every night before going to bed.

  4. Moisturising is necessary: Winter skin tends to become and loses its shine and lustre. A good moisturiser makes your skin hydrated and nourished, making it healthy. It keeps the water content intact in your skin. Aroma Magic Almond Moisturising Lotion helps you in this quest of achieving healthy and glowing skin.

  5. Scrub it off: Your hands and feet take a beating during winter because of the dryness. Thus, to get rid of the dead skin cells, pollutants, and roughness on your feet, it's advised that you exfoliate them at least once a week. Aroma Magic Mineral Glow Scrub can come to your aid this winter. Let your hands and feet breathe freely this winter.

Here are some don'ts that one should keep in mind during winter.

  1. Avoid hot showers: In the winter, taking a hot bath or shower may seem quite cozy, but doing so deprives your skin of its natural lipid barriers, which aid in moisture retention. It is always preferable to use lukewarm water for a brief period of time and then apply a moisturising lotion afterwards.

  2. Avoid heavy makeup: The current trend is little makeup, which you can adopt to help maintain the health of your skin during the winter. Applying the foundation layer of makeup should wait until the dead, flaky skin has been eliminated with exfoliation.

  3. Minimise beverages: On a chilly winter morning, nothing is more appealing than a warm cup of coffee. But it can completely ruin the health of your skin. Your skin may get dehydrated if you drink beverages that may contain caffeine. Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water can help offset the negative effects of caffeine-containing beverages.


While the winter months might provide difficult skincare circumstances for our skin, you can prevent dryness and keep your hands and feet healthy with a regular and attentive skincare regimen. You'll be well on your way to taking care of your skin and relishing the winter months in comfort and confidence by implementing these suggestions in your everyday routine. All it requires is a little attention, and your hand-care-and-foot-care during winter months can be easily fixed.


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