Oily Scalp: Causes and Solutions

Understanding the Scalp and its Care

You grow beautiful and strong hair only with a healthy scalp. Therefore, you must take care of your scalp well. The scalp is rich in blood vessels and nerves and is covered with hair follicles, which produce hair. The scalp plays an important role in hair health, as it provides essential nutrients and moisture to the hair. There are several different scalp types, which can be categorised based on their oil production and sensitivity:

  1. Normal Scalp: It produces a healthy amount of natural oils, keeping the scalp moisturised without being too oily or dry.

  2. Oily Scalp: This type of scalp produces an excess of sebum, which can lead to greasy hair and scalp. It is often prone to dandruff and other scalp issues.

  3. Dry Scalp: It produces little to no natural oils, leading to dryness and flakiness. It may also be itchy and prone to irritation.

  4. Sensitive Scalp: This type of scalp is easily irritated and prone to itching, burning, and redness. It may also be dry or oily. People with sensitive scalps should use gentle, fragrance-free hair products and avoid harsh chemicals and heat-styling tools.

Oily Hair Scalp Causes and Symptoms

An oily hair scalp is a condition where the scalp produces an excess amount of natural oil (called sebum), making the hair look greasy and shiny even shortly after washing. This condition can be caused by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, poor diet, and overuse of hair products.

When the scalp produces too much sebum, it can lead to clogged hair follicles, which can cause hair thinning or hair loss over time. In addition, an oily scalp can also lead to other scalp issues such as dandruff, scalp acne, and itching.

How to treat & prevent Oily Scalp

People with oily scalps may need to wash their hair more frequently, using a gentle shampoo that can remove excess oil without stripping the scalp's natural oils. It is also important to avoid using heavy hair products that can weigh down the hair and add to the oiliness. In some cases, incorporating a clarifying shampoo or a scalp exfoliating treatment may also help to keep the scalp clean and healthy.

Here are some steps you can take to care for an oily scalp:

  1. Wash hair frequently: Washing hair frequently is essential for people with oily scalps, as it helps to remove excess oil and debris from the scalp. Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo that can cleanse and does not strip off its natural oils. Washing hair thrice a week can be a good starting point.

  2. Use a Clarifying shampoo: A clarifying shampoo can help remove excess oil and buildup from the scalp. Use it once a week or as needed. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Oil Balancing Shampoo can nourish your scalp without stripping away the natural oils, while still controlling the oiliness in your hair. It unclogs hair follicles and maintains the pH levels of the scalp, thereby promoting hair growth and giving it the freedom to flow graciously.

  3. Use Mild Conditioner: Conditioner is not necessary for an oily scalp, but if you use it, make sure to use a light, non-greasy formula and apply it only to the ends of your hair. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Cream Conditioner is formulated to hydrate the scalp, strengthen the roots and add shine while aloe vera gel in it nourishes and soothes the hair, making it smooth and lustrous.

  4. Avoid Heavy Hair Products & Heat Tools: Heavy styling and heat tools can stimulate oils and these can also make the scalp even more oily. Instead, use light, water-based products, and hair serum.

  5. Eat a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help regulate oil production and keep the scalp healthy.

  6. Manage stress: Stress can cause the body to produce more oil, so managing stress levels through exercise, meditation, or other relaxation techniques can help keep oil production under control.


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