Tips to Prepare Your Skin for Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is every season's concern that can't be avoided in any way. But it can be prevented and can be battled to keep your skin protected and shielded from the harmful effects of the sun.

Sun exposure is not always bad for our health but, to some extent, it is healthy and suitable if managed appropriately. When it comes to the skin people start getting cautious about its exposure which leads them to forget all the fun they like to do during the sunshine don't shirk all your reasons to love the sun.

How can sun exposure affect your skin?

If not taken care of properly, sun exposure can damage your skin to a great extent. The ultraviolet rays of the sun directly impact the outer layer of the skin reducing its protection level. Due to unprotected sun exposure, the melanin in the skin can reduce and can also get pigmented which causes dark spots on the skin, gives pigmentation, and leads to aging and dull skin. Constant exposure to the UVA and UVB rays of the sun can cause premature aging of the skin.

Ways to protect your skin from the sun

Before going out in the sun make sure you prepare your skin well to stay protected by observing some ways to protect your skin from sun exposure. Below are some of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun and tips to prevent your skin from sun exposure naturally:

CTM for skin preparation

Cleansing, toning, and moisturising the skin is a must for skin preparation. CTM helps prepare your skin well for sunscreen application and sun exposure. It prepares your skin and tightens open skin pores that can otherwise lead to breakouts. It also helps to fulfill your skin's moisture and nourishment needs and delays visible signs of aging on the skin.

Sunscreens & Sunblock Application

SPF - Sun Protection Factor is a must in every season. The number of SPF describes how strongly the sunscreen or sunblock will protect your skin by forming a protective shield onto the skin. While wearing sunscreen or sunblock, it's best to choose a sunscreen with broad-spectrum UV protection. Apply 15 minutes before going out in the sun and reapply after every 2 hours if you are constantly in sun exposure.

Full Sleeves Coverage Clothes

Wear more covering clothes that can protect your body from getting tanned. Dark or bright colors keep UV rays from reaching your skin by directly absorbing them rather than allowing them to penetrate. Don't forget a small preventive step towards your beautiful eyes by wearing sunglasses. Also, avoid long hours of sun exposure.

Exfoliation followed by De-tan Pack

Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. If you have normal, oily or combination skin types you can exfoliate twice for dry and sensitive skin exfoliate once a week. After exfoliation makes sure you use Anti Tan Combo Pack by Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic. Exfoliation with an anti-tan pack can help remove dead skin, brighten skin and repair the skin cells, leaving them well moisturized, smooth, and luminous.

Now you have easy ways to prepare your skin for sun exposure.


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