Try These Natural Hair Oils for Dry and Damaged Hair in Winter

Winters a dreaded time for your locks

Though winters are cool and happening, that's not the case for your tresses. The cold weather and dry winds can have a negative impact on your locks. It makes your hair frizzy, which makes the scalp dry and flaky. There are many solutions to this problem. But when you start using hair oils for dry and damaged hair, things start falling back on track.

The key to keeping your locks sane is to use natural hair oils during winter. When the ritual of oiling our hair is so deeply ingrained in our everyday lives. Why refrain from it during winter. This is the time when your hair needs that extra dose of attention.

Why natural hair oils?

Natural hair oils ensure that your locks remain hydrated and the essential moisture is retained. This results in healthier hair texture and faster hair growth. A lot of hair issues stem from the fact that we all suffer from dandruff and itchy scalp during winters. You can easily put a brake on your hair problems by simply using natural hair oils.

In this blog, we will help you navigate your own path with ease. Here are some of the best natural hair care products for this winter. The cold season can be challenging, but not so if you have been blessed with the grace of Aroma Magic Products.

The following points should be kept in mind when selecting a natural hair oil.

  • Ensure that it is easily available. An oil once picked should be used regularly without playing around with the consistency.

  • Check, the hair oil that you are using does not contain any harmful chemicals. If it does turn out, it can have potential negative effects for your hair.

  • A natural hair oil can entirely change the structure of your hair. It can make it smooth and healthy from within.

The following are recommendations for dry and damaged hair in winter:

  1. Aroma Magic Coconut Oil: Coconut is one of the best oils to use during winter. This oil helps prevent hair breakage. The oil is rich in vitamins E and K and minerals like iron. It works magically in preventing bacterial infections on the scalp.

  2. Aroma Magic Almond Oil: If you want quick and good results. Try considering Aroma Magic Almond Oil for dry and damaged hair. Almond Oil is rich in vitamin E, fatty acid, and magnesium. This potent combination helps ward off any dryness of the scalp. Are you one of those souls who crave for a good champi? Then, almond oil should be your next natural hair care purchase.

  3. Stimulate hair oil: Apart from good sleep, good exercise and a stress free life, your locks need an adequate amount of stimulation. Aroma Magic Stimulate Hair Oil gives your hair a new lease. If you are tired of frequently changing your hairstyles to hide your hair thinning. Or do you witness a bunch of hair on your pillion every morning. This oil will pluck all the bad qualities of your hair and add natural shine and vibrancy to your hair.

  4. Flaky hair oil: Heap of white mountain on your shoulders is a very common sight during winter. You are lucky, if you do not get to experience this problem. But even if your dandruff issues. You can scrape it off with Aroma Magic Flaky Hair. This natural hair oil is blended with the essential oils of patchouli, lemon wood, and tea tree.

How to apply oil to your hair?

Apply a few drops of the oil on your scalp. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes, or you can let it stay overnight. Lastly, shampoo your hair to flush the oil out of your scalp.


Nature has its own way of mellowing an individual. Winters are the period of solitude and warmth. But this is one of the tougher months, as the weather takes a toll on your hair. If you do not have time for your hair. Then the outcomes in the longer run would bring a frown on your face. Long and multiple visits to a Trichologist. We have simplified the process to be braver through the winter months with the use of natural hair oils. A natural hair care product always saves your time and money.


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