Winter Skin Care : Simple Ways to Prevent Dry and Flaky Skin

Seasonal changes can be a cause of worry about your skin. Especially during winter, as the chilly winds, the drop in temperatures, and low humidity make the skin dry, flaky, and dull. Which makes it vulnerable to infections and breakouts.

Cold air holds less moisture. When the environment around you drier, your skin tends to get drier too. This sets the ground running for a host of skin problems.

In this blog, we will cover some simple and practical winter skin care to prevent dry and flaky skin during winter.

  1. Don’t cleanse too much: This might come as a stinger to a lot of you. Cleansing is frequently recommended, but not during winter. You should always go for a mild cleanser, which maintains the pH level of your skin without stripping off its natural oils. Aroma Magic Aloe Vera Cleanser helps hydrate and soothe the skin. A natural skin care product like this sets the tone for your skin care routine.

  2. Moisturise always: At times we ignore the importance of a moisturiser. This winter add Aroma Magic Almond Moisturising Lotion in your winter skin care arsenal. It is enriched with SPF 15, which leaves your skin with a healthy and supple texture. This natural skin care product will maintain your skin’s moisture barrier.

  3. Exfoliate frequently: I am sure, at some point everyone must have tried overnight soaked almonds. You must have noticed: The post-peel-removal makes the almond even more healthy and tasty. The same goes for your skin. Natural skin care products work best when the skin is exfoliated. So scrub away the dead skin cells with Aroma Magic Coffee Bean Scrub. This all natural scrub formula helps detoxify and renew the skin cells.

  4. Avoid those showers: We all want that little extra warmth of the blanket during winter. The showers can be distressing, as the embalming warmth of the body wants to linger. But what if we tell you to avoid taking warm showers? A warm shower can suck the life out of your skin. As it deprives the skin of the necessary moisture and oil.

  5. Keep sipping the colourless tonic: Sardi ho, ya garmi. Sip lots of pani-vani to continue your glowing skin ki kahaani. It is a sure-shot way of keeping your skin radiant. Drinking an adequate amount of water has a direct bearing on your health. It will keep you refreshed and keep your skin elastic. It helps flush out toxins from the body and doesn’t let your skin sag.

  6. Don’t forget the serum: Having a good serum always makes a difference in your overall skin care routine. An antioxidant serum can be used throughout the year, as it doesn’t have any alcohol. Aroma Magic Vitamin C Serum falls under the same bracket. This serum helps treat hyperpigmentation and reduce fine lines. Apply this serum before using heavier skin products. Also remember to use Aroma Magic Aroma Sunlite Spray before stepping out.


With ample information available, you can read all about winter skin care. But the key here is to keep things simple. The tips that we have shared in this blog are evergreen and time-tested. Your skin will feel much better and hydrated, if you take these tips as the base and curate a winter skin care routine. Always remember: Over analysis leads to paralysis. Keep it simple, keep it warm during winter.


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