How to Get Natural Protection with Mosquito Repellent Sprays

While we all love monsoon, but it comes with fair share of troubles as well. Don’t get as wrong, monsoons are lovely but this weather is quiet a magnet for mosquitos who tend to breed in this humid weather. Different species of mosquitoes — like the ones that carry malaria — prefer bacteria and sweat. Others are attracted to carbon dioxide and certain hand odors.

Whichever species you encounter, you can protect yourself with natural repellents that have ingredients that won’t harm your and environment’s health.

There are many scents that you can incorporate around the outside of your home that will naturally repel mosquitoes. Not only are these insects annoying, they can be dangerous to our health when their bites spread viruses and parasites.

Lavender has analgesic, antifungal, and antiseptic qualities. This means that in addition to preventing mosquito bites, it can calm and soothe the skin.

Thyme contains compounds like thymol, which have insect-repelling properties. Burning thyme leaves or using thyme essential oil can deter mosquitoes.

Citronella is a common natural and effective essential oil that works against mosquitoes. Made from a mix of herbs, it’s an ingredient in many mosquito repellents. When outdoors, citronella candles can provide up to 50 percent extra protection.

Peppermint Oil has a strong scent that mosquitoes find unpleasant. Diluted peppermint oil can be applied to the skin or used in diffusers to deter mosquitoes.

Basil plants emit a strong aroma that repels mosquitoes. Planting basil in your garden or rubbing crushed basil leaves on your skin can help keep mosquitoes away.

Cloves and clove oil are present in various food products, cosmetics, and medicine. People may also use them as an insect repellent. As well as flying insects, clove oil may also repel cockroaches. Clove oil may repel mosquitos for up to 2–3 hours after application.

The scent of garlic may reduce mosquito attraction to human odor. Findings show that garlic oil is a strong mosquito repellent for the initial 30 minutes after application, but that the effect weakens after this time.

Rosemary is a multipurpose herb, that can be used for many things other than seasoning. This aromatic plant works wonders when planted in your garden, easily tackling small mosquito infestations.

These are some natural mosquito repellents that can you can try, if you know anymore feel free to share them with us, until then stay mosquito free!


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