Must-Have Essential Oils to Boost Your Health this Winter

Winter is a beautiful season and one of the best periods to look back at the year gone by. The fun gets doubled when one gets to do layering of clothes, indulge in lip smacking food or binge watch their favourite shows under the warm and cosy blanket.

While we stay indoors with our loved ones. The shortened days and lack of sunlight do not augur well for our body and mind. It can range from mood swings to seasonal depression. It has a strong bearing on the skin as well. The chilly weather tends to make our skin dry. To add to this misery, muscles and joint pains also resurface during this time.

This can have a spillover in our daily lives. Which is prominently seen in our work life as well as personal life. But these seasonal issues can be negated with the help of essential oils. Essential oils or aromatherapy oils have been long known to give therapeutic benefits. Aromatherapy, being an amalgamation of science and art, helps provide relief against stress, promote relaxation and reduce inflammation.

In this blog, we will cover some of the essential oils for winter, so that you can enjoy the season to the fullest without compromising on your health.

  1. Lavender essential oil for winter
    This is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils. Aroma Magic Lavender Essential Oil. The dark and gloomy days of winter can give an individual episode of stress and anxiety. This is where lavender essential oil comes to the rescue, as this aromatherapy oil has antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties. This oil is effective in giving relief from the common cold. Additionally, its soothing fragrance makes it a must-have essential oil for winter.

  2. Clove Essential Oil for winter 
    Aroma Magic Clove Essential Oil has a woody fragrance. Which makes it perfect for the winter season. This aromatherapy oil is a must-have for students, as it helps to boost memory. It also helps you unplug and gives relief from digestive problems.

  3. Juniper Berry Essential Oil for winter
    The calmness and solitude of winters can sometimes get the better of us. This meditative period can be stressful at times. In such cases, Aroma Magic Juniper Berry Essential Oil helps ease the skin by eliminating toxins from the body.

  4. Peppermint Essential for winter
    This winter gives your immune system a boost with Aroma Magic Peppermint Essential Oil. Its aroma helps calm your senses. This aromatherapy helps immensely in resolving digestive issues. It’s a go-to essential oil for winter as it is frequently used in Christmas celebrations, bakery items, etc.

  5. Frankincense Essential Oil for winter
    Aroma Magic Frankincense essential oil is an extremely versatile essential oil. It is loaded with immune boosting properties, which prevents you from falling sick during winter. If you are troubled with dry skin, then add a dose of frankincense essential oil in your beauty care routine. Being indoors during winter has a negative effect on our mind. This aromatherapy oil has a calming and relaxing effect, which doesn’t let anxiety breed in your mind. Thus, it has all the makings of an essential oil for winter, especially during the holiday season.

Here we have shared some of the DIY essential oil blends for the winter season.

  1. Soothing Blend

    3 drops of juniper berry essential oil, 3 drops of peppermint essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

    Method: In a bowl add coconut oil. Now pour all the essential oils in it. Give it a good shake and store it in a diffuser spray. Use this diffuser in your room when you want to create a calming and uplifting environment for your family and friends.

  2. Winter Calming Blend

    Ingredients: 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 2 drops of clove essential oil, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

    Method: In a bowl add coconut oil. Now pour in all the essential oils in it. Give it a good shake and store it in a diffuser bottle. You can also store this blend in a roll-on bottle. Simply rolling this blend on your wrists and neck in the morning can help you find calm in the storm during the day.


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