Best Essential Oil For Aging Skin

Essential oils have been used for nearly 6,000 years, with the aim of improving a person’s health or mood. Today aromatherapy is a powerful science that we can no longer ignore. When used consciously, essential oils work magically to benefit your mind, body, and skin.

Here are some of the best essential oils that you can inculcate in your beauty care to keep your skin healthy and youthful.

  • Jasmine Essential Oil:This popular oil is a floral aromatic oil which provides a sudden whiff of freshness and peaceful thoughts. It is a wonderful element for skincare routine because of its healing and relaxing benefits. It promotes skin elasticity and helps to delay the process of aging. It reduces dryness and irritation of the skin.

    This oil can be used for facial massage. Add 2 drops of jasmine essential oil with almond oil, and massage gently on your face. After the massage, place a hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further. This will help improve the elasticity of your skin.

  • Neroli Essential Oil: Neroli essential oil is a good skin rejuvenator. It has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties that help acne and other skin problems to be at par. It also stimulates skin cells to regenerate and helps reduce scars and spots.

    Neroli essential oil is excellent for rejuvenating mature dry skin. Use it for facial massage by adding 2 drops of it with almond oil and massage gently. After massaging with this place hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further.

  • Sandalwood Essential Oil: Sandalwood essential oil has a warm, woody odour and is widely used in incense, cosmetics, soaps, and perfumes. It is rich in anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-proliferative properties. Hence, it acts as a promising treatment for acne and other skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, warts, etc. It also catalyses the production of melanin in the skin which makes it an active ingredient in many cosmetic and skin care products. It also provides relaxing and cooling effect on the skin.

    Sandalwood essential oil can be used for dry skin facial massages. For facial massage add 2 drops of it with almond oil and massage gently. It can also be added to the facial water. After massaging with this place hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further.

  • Ylang-Ylang Essential OilYlang-ylang essential oil is known for its floral aroma. It is popularly used as a powerful aphrodisiac. It is an antiseptic, regulates heartbeat and has an invigorating effect on the elderly. It also helps rejuvenate skin.

    YlangYlang essential oil is excellent for facial massage. Mix 2-3 drops of the essential oil with jojoba oil or almond oil and massage gently. After massaging with this place hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further. This helps in skin rejuvenation.

  • Frankincense Essential Oil: Frankincense essential oil promotes the system of self-healing power of our body. It helps dry, sensitive, and mature skin. It rejuvenates skin tone & prevents wrinkles.

    For a facial massage, add 2 drops of Frankincense essential oil with Jojoba oil/ wheat germ oil/ almond oil and massage gently. After massaging with this, placea hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further.

  • Geranium Essential OilGeranium essential oil holds beautiful aroma which is used as perfumes. It also has rejuvenating properties that helps with skin maintenance. It also increases blood circulation and helps in achieving glowing skin.

    Geranium essential oil is used to gain a healthy glow to the skin. Add 2-3 drops of the essential oil and mix it with jojoba oil or almond oil. Message gently and place a hot towel over your face for oil to seep in better and relax further.


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